Grace United Church of Christ
Welcome to the Grace UCC page. Grace United Church of Christ is located directly across from the Claysburg-Kimmel High School in the heart of Claysburg. It offers a terrific view of the surrounding mountainside. Our facility is handicapped accessible with off street parking behind the parsonage.
Our congregation consists of all ages, who are active in the community as well as in the ministries of the church. Our Sunday school program offers Christian Education for all ages, young and not so young alike! Our gifted choir leads us in worship each week.
We support various ministries including a monthly offering for the Claysburg Food Bank. Our church is active in the Juniata Association and the local ministerium keeping us in touch with the wider church and community at large.
Our facility is used for various“Charge” gatherings, community services,
association Board Meetings and has been used for after school activities including but not limited to Girl Scouts and “Odyssey of the Mind”.
Come and join with us in worshiping the Living God, who was, who is and who will be.
Our congregation consists of all ages, who are active in the community as well as in the ministries of the church. Our Sunday school program offers Christian Education for all ages, young and not so young alike! Our gifted choir leads us in worship each week.
We support various ministries including a monthly offering for the Claysburg Food Bank. Our church is active in the Juniata Association and the local ministerium keeping us in touch with the wider church and community at large.
Our facility is used for various“Charge” gatherings, community services,
association Board Meetings and has been used for after school activities including but not limited to Girl Scouts and “Odyssey of the Mind”.
Come and join with us in worshiping the Living God, who was, who is and who will be.